


Thermo Fisher Scientific Glacios 2 with Selectris Cryo-TEM
DVIA-MB3000 Installation Report

Installation Reports

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• Summary Results

Below is a summary of the results:

  • MB3000 ON PASSED the Vibration specifications


This report details the installation of the Vibration Isolation MB3000 for the Thermo Fisher Scientific Glacios 2 with Selectris in Room 211B. Schrodinger hired VEC to install the active vibration isolation platform and provide a report of the completed work.

• Product Details

Part Delivered Serial Number Software
MB3000 230418R3 Site-Specific Tune

• Summary of Work

We installed the system by

  • Positioning the DVIA-MB3000 under the microscope
  • Leveling the DVIA-MB3000 to within .5mm


We tested the system by

  • Creating and uploading a site specific tune
  • Collecting vibration data to verify the performance


We left the system

  • In position and on

• Installer's Notes

The floor vibration was more significant than the last time we measured it ( Feb 2023 By VEC [Jarrett]).
However, the system is performing well and meeting the advised amplitudes in the vibration advice table by a wide margin.

The Vertical vibration passes the specification.

The Front to Back vibration passes the specification.

The Left to Right vibration passes the specification.

• Procedures


VEC conducted vibration measurements in three directions. Acceleration measurements were taken at a bandwidth of 200 with units of um/s (RMS).
The acceleration spectra with 200 bandwidths were recorded.

• Setup

Bandwidth 200
Lines 3200
Window Hanning
Coupling ICP 2mA
Average Type Stable
Duration 60
Engineering Units um/s (RMS)

• Specifications

VEC used the following specifications for the project.

Specification Summary

Figure 1: TFS Floor Vibrations Advice Table

Source: 2022-10-27 until 2022-10-28 Site Survey Report
Survey Frequency Direction Peak RMS (Ug) Advised RMS (Ug) Red. factor
1 2022-10-28 04-36-41 1 FB 139 0.31 447
2 2022-10-28 06-36-41 1.25 FB
152 0.47 326
3 2022-10-28 06-28-17 1 LR 147 0.95 155
4 2022-10-28 06-28-17 1.25 LR 151 1.2 129
5 2022-10-27 12-12-12 1.6 FB 102 1.1 97
6 2022-10-27 12-28-54 1 V 497 8.6 57
7 2022-10-27 12-12-12 2 V 481 9 53
8 2022-10-28 06-28-17 1.6 LR 83 1.6 52
9 2022-10-28 06-36-41 2 FB 114 2.7 42
10 2022-10-27 12-12-12 1.6 V 347 8.5 41
11 2022-10-27 12-28-54 1.25 V 411
12 34
12 2022-10-27 12-12-12 2.5 V 320 9.8 33
13 2022-10-28 06-28-17 2 LR 107 4.3 25
14 2022-10-27 12-12-12 3.15 V 338 16 21
15 2022-10-27 12-12-12 4 V 423 20 21
16 2022-10-28 07-30-58 2.5 LR 86 4.3 20
17 2022-10-27 12-12-12 2.5 FB 91 4.6 20
18 2022-10-27 12-12-12 5 V 342 25 14
19 2022-10-27 12-12-12 3.15 FB 74 9.1 8.1
20 2022-10-27 12-12-12 6.3 V 425 65 6.6
21 2022-10-27 12-12-12 4 FB 110 18 6

• Results

Summary Results

Below is a summary of the results:

  • MB3000 PASSED the Vibration specifications

Detailed Results

Type Position Direction Specification Measurement Result
Vibration Floor Vertical See Table Line PASS
Front-Back Line PASS
Left-Right Line PASS
MB3000 Vertical See Table Line PASS
Front-Back Line PASS
Left-Right Line PASS

• Data

Room 211B - Thermo Fisher Scientific Glacios 2 with Selectris


Figure 2: Vibration (Vertical – TFS Specification)

Specification: Line; Measurement: Line; Result: Floor PASS DVIA-MB PASS

Figure 3: Vibration (Vertical – Transmissibility)

Figure 4: Vibration (Vertical – Floor)

  • 1-10 Hz: VC-C
  • 10-125 Hz: VC-A

Figure 5: Vibration (Vertical – MB3000)

  • 1-10 Hz: VC-G
  • 10-125 Hz: VC-D

Figure 6: Vibration (Front-Back – TFS Specification

Specification: Line; Measurement: Line; Result: Floor PASS DVIA-MB PASS

Figure 7: Vibration (Front-Back – Transmissibility)

Figure 8: Vibration (Front-Back – Floor)

  • 1-10 Hz: VC-D
  • 10-125 Hz: VC-D

Figure 9: Vibration (Front-Back – MB3000)

  • 1-10 Hz: VC-G
  • 10-125 Hz: VC-G

Figure 10: Vibration (Left-Right – TFS Specification)

Specification: Line; Measurement: Line; Result: Floor PASS DVIA-MB PASS

Figure 11: Vibration (Left-Right – Transmissibility)

Figure 12: Vibration (Left-Right – Floor)

  • 1-10 Hz: VC-C
  • 10-125 Hz: VC-D

Figure 13: Vibration (Left-Right – MB3000)

  • 1-10 Hz: VC-F
  • 10-125 Hz: VC-F

Figure 14: Installation Detail 1

Figure 15: Installation Detail 2